The last few months I have been having some health issues. Nothing too critical but enough to scare me a little. Through all of this so far I have witness some sincere compassion. Compassion from family, friends, neighbors and even some of my FB followers. However it was the compassion from those in the health care service that really touched me deeply. I'm not here to bad mouth Jersey.... but I will give it to you straight. Through my life I have had many medical issues including heart condition, endometriosis, migraines…. The list goes on & on. When being treated for these various things.... I rarely received compassion from the medical staff worthy of remembering. Side note: If something is worth remembering… it will be remembered… at least in my world.
It’s been my experience that when going to the doctor’s you are treated more like a customer then a patient. It starts the moment you call to make your appointment. I get that doctors are busy and often times it’s hard to get an appointment. However, the person making those appointments can often times come off as though we are inconveniencing them? When you hear frustration in there voice and they hold no apologies…. They have set the tone. Then comes your arrival… this is crucial and this is when it all goes downhill. The person behind the desk/check in may have no idea why you are there. You can be there for a 2nd opinion on a terminal diagnosis or this can be just routine visit. Either way…. you are still a patient in need of care and compassion. The routine is always the same…. Sign in, Fill out these forms, license and insurance card please (if you even get a please). Sometimes you can be standing there for what seems like an hour while the person at the desk is gossiping with fellow coworkers about her date last night or who the bachelor should choose and why. But that’s okay… because whether I wait here at the window or in the waiting room chair… I’m still waiting. Again… that is a whole different topic and some would call it all part of the Obama Care or the downfall of our HealthCare system… I’m not getting into politics… Never will. Listen… it’s not lost on me that sometimes these jobs can be mundane.... not every day is going to be a good day for you or them. So they get a pass. However… they don’t get a pass when they go from treating you like a patient to a customer. Asking for your copay immediately upon arrival may be required for reasons only they know…. But it’s in your delivery…..when you don’t make eye contact with me and your nose is on the keyboard….and you ask for my copay in a “Mob Boss” tone…. I’m a customer….If you make eye contact and use words like please and thank you…. I am a patient. You are not ringing up a salad… you are collecting the amount listed on my insurance card…. So inadvertently I already received the bill. My gripe is real…to prove it… here is my example…. A few years ago I had to have a hysterectomy…. I was going to be vague and just say procedure… but hey… I promised to be honest. It took me 2 years to finally find a doctor that would actually do this surgery. Mostly because most doctors refuse to operate on me due to my cardiac condition. Again… they worry more about being sued… then adding another skill to their collection (that makes me a Customer). But I for one… take it as a blessing… because if you are too scared to operate on me because my heart condition possess some challenges… I don’t want you operating on me anyway. Finally I find a doctor willing to take the risk to void me of anymore pain. Only problem… our insurance company does not cover this particular doctor so it’s mostly out of pocket for us. Bill me I always say…. When I arrived at my pre-op visit the “lady” at the desk gives me the verbal bill due immediately. In a voice I can only describe as Roz from “Monster’s Inc.”… You know her “I’m watching you Wisowski… always watching you” asks me for payment of $380. Holy Sticker Shock!!! Wait… let me just reach into my pocket…. Ohhh wait… I only have .11c and a receipt from Starbucks. I shamefully reply “I don’t have that kind of money”….. Her cold hearted response “well I guess we will have to reschedule” I went from being a patient to being a customer in 1.5 seconds. COMPASSION? I shamelessly started to cry hoping I would pull on her heart strings…. NOPE!! I rescheduled and begged borrowed and stole to come up with the $380… Just kidding… we just didn’t pay the mortgage that month! That’s okay… we recovered… it only took 4 years… but hey….I’m healthy now… so it was all worth it. Fast forward to Friday, February 19th. My husband and I are in the waiting room of Williamson Medical center in Franklin, TN. I am in need of a biopsy on a lump in my neck. As we are waiting my mind starts to wonder over to the dark side. All I am thinking about is the What If’s, how much I have been through and when can I just get a break and most of all “they are going to stick a needle into my neck and pull shit out.. That sounds very painful” I went from being the brave woman who walked into those doors to a scared and vulnerable little girl. I bowed my head down and started to cry…. I tried to be inconspicuous…. Apparently I didn’t do a good job because moments later the receptionist at the check in desk slowly walks over with a box of tissues. She sits down next to me with the voice of an angel she starts to shower me with words of comfort like “I know you are scared but this procedure is pretty painless and you will be surprised how easy it is” or “Let me know if there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable”! She slowly walks back to her desk and continues on with her work. My husband and I looked at each other in total disbelief. Was that Compassion we just witnessed? She didn’t have to do that… she seemingly had a busy morning…. Lobby was filled, phone was ringing off the hook, people coming over to check in or get directions. Her little gesture may have seemed like nothing to some…. But to us…. That was one of the kindest things we have experienced. It didn’t end there….. Walking into that room was kinda scary… however the technician who set you up was equally as compassionate. He too can see I was nervous… and went to great lengths to ease my fears. He told me how when he first started doing CT’s, and MRI’s he would go into these machines and try to imagine what other people see this machine to be… why is it so scary? Anything he can do to get just a little bit of perspective of other’s fears so that he can be better at easing them and making the patient as comfortable as he could. COMPASSION!... and with every encounter compassion was on the forefront. I left there with a whole new faith in humanity and in our healthcare… well at least in TN! Again…. I’m not saying it does not exist at all in NJ… I am sure some of you have had some great experiences… I know I have had a few….however…… most can use a lesson or two from middle TN on hospitality, patience, understanding and compassion. If you show someone compassion…. Then immediately feel as though you have been there too and they no longer feel alone in this world. I leave you with this…. Whatever industry you are in… if you are dealing with people… show a little compassion…. I promise you… it will go a long way and it will come back to you!
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11/13/2022 09:08:14 pm
Production year feeling theory need maintain. Sense design ability something toward the hot. Church near since question.
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